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Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Guard Tower Goes Up And Neighbors Rejoice

You drive past the place every day if you use Malabar Road just West of the Winn Dixie shopping Center You see The New Malabar Cove Apartments. Have you noticed they are constructing a Guard Tower. Thank You! We cant wait for the razor wire to go up next. This is awesome. Lets keep those people from getting out. It will not be 6 months before Malabar Cove will be just like another Madalyn Landing. We hope Madalyn Landing will be constructing a guard tower soon also. I know the neighbors will be happy. In fact they should put the guard towers up at all the Apartment complexes in Palm Bay. They seem to attract an undesirable element. Think of the all money and time the police will save. This could be the answer.
I do not know who came up with the idea whether it was Police Chief Berger, Mayor Mazziotti, Deputy Mayor Zonka or even Feldman the City Manager but it is a brilliant idea. Just Brilliant! It seems like a logical way to keep the trash in the complex from getting out and committing crimes or just roaming our neighborhoods. This may just help somebody's reelection bid or maybe even a step up to the Mayors chair if it was you Milo.
Some questions have to be asked though, Who is paying for the construction of these guard towers? is there enough money to pay for these? If you need a vote for the money to build more I am pretty sure it will pass, you will not even have to plaster the town with the bullshit signs like you did for the May 12th vote. The citizens are ready to help on this one. Who will be manning these watch towers? Will it be Palm Bay Police or do the property managers have to hire the armed guards? This Could mean some overtime for Palm Bays finest if they go private. I am sure our police officers could use the cash. . If you put the word out on the street and I am willing to help spread the news, you may get enough volunteers to man these things just from the Malabar gun club alone. Especially from the people who live near these apartments. This is cutting edge man. I am sure Mayors from around the County, the State and probably the whole nation will be watching to see how well this works. Its time to put Palm Bay on the Map again people. Mr. Mayor you had better get the suit dry cleaned because you just might end up on CNN or FOX News again. I have a feeling this is going to work and for the first time in a while you have the City residents support.


  1. All built by illegal immigrants.

  2. I will be happy to volunteer my time to keep the animals from roaming the city.

  3. Silly! Don't you know those towers are really the latest local experiment to achieving a sustainable "GREEN" community? They harness the energy of the goombah going up and down the staircase inside, and convert it to enough electricity to run the "VACANCY" sign.

  4. that is not a guard tower you idiot

  5. I'll keep my standards high and stay away. :)
